Didaskalia Networks

At didaskalia Networks ©, we offer various strategies to improve the organization and practices of your institution, We focus on generating solutions tailored to each educational institution, always thinking about the satisfaction of its students, parents and interested persons. Within our wide range of services we have consulting, advice, diagnosis, and training at all levels, managers, teachers, students and parents.
How to get a quality institution
Do you
Always think about the social responsibility of the institutions, in the purpose of being a center of gestation of opportunities for our young people, since education is the true development of society, and only with the conviction to improve, innovate and above all lose the fear of changes, it is possible to stay current, at the forefront of today's challenges.

Think of the institution as an entity organized by processes, defining clear objectives and goals, establishing controls in critical aspects, such as planning, execution and evaluation, opening the possibility of permanent feedback.
How do we do it?
According to the needs of the institutions, our services are:
Consultancy, which aims to identify, suggest and control strategies and methods that improve the quality of the educational service.
Advice, tends to be an efficient support to the management of the institution.
Diagnosis, develops evaluation, monitoring and verification instruments to objectively and impartially identify weaknesses and strengths of educational management.
Training, increasing the competitiveness of the institution, starting from the improvement of the human resource competencies of the institutions.
All these services are offered at all levels, directors, teachers, students, and parents.
We invite you to contact us, to gladly address any concern, at didaskalia Networks ©, our main mission is to become an effective support for our clients.